Zapier & Maileon: Connect now
Connect Zapier and Maileon through integration.

About Zapier
Zapier is one of the largest web services that enables linking of various tools as well as workflow automation. Zapier have over 5,000 integrations and can connect almost all existing online services in a time-saving and hassle-free manner.
The tool offers a user-friendly interface that is clear and intuitive, allowing users without technical background knowledge to create links very quickly, allowing them to automate recurring tasks. Automation not only saves a lot of time but it also saves on manual effort and associated costs. Zaps are the automation rules in Zapier, which are very flexible and allow users to link frequently used web services with each other and define specific actions and triggers with little effort. Commonly used Zaps are contact creation and management, sending notifications, and synchronisation of contact data.
Advantages of integrating with Zapier
With our Zapier integration, you benefit from a wide range of cross-system opportunities that are ideal for helping you build customer loyalty and generate new conversions. Once linked, new subscribers are seamlessly transferred to Maileon using our privacy-compliant signup forms and are directly available for your email marketing activities. You can also create and edit contact statuses in Maileon, as well as send transactional emails and double opt-in confirmations. With the function – GDPR information request – you can respond immediately to data protection requests from your customers and provide detailed data information. Intelligent contact filtering options give you a wide range of segmentation options that you can use for individual customer targeting or marketing automations. This allows you to target content or send product recommendations to predefined contact groups, improving the user experience of your subscribers.
An overview of the benefits
- Legally compliant and detailed contact data transfer
- Automatic transfer of your contact status data as well as bounces
- Easy configuration & synchronisation
- GDPR information request & double opt-in
- Customised marketing automations & personalised product display for your customers

Connect Maileon & Zapier
If you have any questions about the Zapier integration, our team will be happy to help and support you with further information.
Note: In order to integrate Maileon with other software providers via Zapier, you need an active Zapier account. We will be happy to support you and help you set it up.

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