De Hypotheker: Success Story

De Hypotheker is the Netherlands’ largest organisation in selecting, advising and realising mortgages. Discover this client case in depth.

Facts & Figures

Industry: Financial Service Company

Integrations & APIs: For De Hypotheker an integration with Blueconic and a Customer Data Warehouse have been made.

Favourite features: Trigger mailings and the marketing automation module. These are deployed for example when someone downloads a whitepaper, updates preferences or posts a review.

Meet the company: The mortgage advice from De Hypotheker is completely independent: they are connected to our clients and in no way tied to lenders. De Hypotheker serves only your interests as a customer. And judging from almost 5,000 reviews with an average score of 9.1, clients seem to agree.

Communication for over 180 franchise offices

De Hypotheker is the Netherlands’ largest organisation in selecting, advising and realising mortgages. Through more than 180 franchise offices, their specialists provide independent advice about your mortgage: the available mortgage forms and the associated insurances. After advising on the right mortgage, De Hypotheker then takes care of the offer and the conclusion of your mortgage. 


We are happy to recommend Maileon as an ESP because they listen well and think along with you. It is also their goal to achieve our goals. 

– Marcia Merenciana, Data analyst at De Hypotheker


“The ESP we were working with no longer met our expectations and did not give us enough certainty about future development. Bikkelhart supports us in our email strategy, and they mentioned Maileon as a new player in the Dutch market that could meet our requirements and expectations.”


“To date, our collaboration has brought us a lot of information and insight, especially on the level of data.

We started migrating existing flows to Maileon, so the recipient didn’t notice much of this. The platform has a very high level of data detail, which is very important to us. We can use the API to determine which data we should extract and with what frequency.

Maileon also has a very friendly user interface that does not require any HTML knowledge. The templates are easy to edit and create, which gives us more freedom in the layout of our mailings. Maileon also thinks along with us, and there are always custom options and solutions possible, which contributes to flexibility.”

Elevate your finance & insurance marketing

Maximize your impact in the finance and insurance sectors with Maileon’s automation just like De Hypotheker. Discover how we can help you build trust and drive results.

They are true sparring partners, easy to contact directly, friendly and true experts.

– Marcia Merenciana, Data analyst at De Hypotheker

Empower your franchise marketing

Elevate your franchise campaigns with Maileon’s cutting-edge solutions, just like De Hypotheker. Discover how we can help you achieve consistent growth and brand unity across all locations.

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